Chapters The Book of Milk Chapter 12

After their cleaning, the cows were led outside. Puffycunt could still feel some water leave her gaping asshole with every stomp of her hooves, but at least it was relatively clean. Once outside the barn, she expected to be led to the enclosure again like the day before, and began to squeeze her legs in anticipation, staining her now-clean legs with her juices, but instead Caretaker and Puffycunt’s herd went in another direction. Puffycunt realized then that the strange farm she now lived it was even bigger than she had initially thought, because on the other side of the barn, which she hadn’t seen before, there was another yard, surrounded by more connected barns, the open space dominated by a round construction in the middle of it.

It consisted of two circles of metal fences, one inside the other. These fences were installed at hip height with the help of sturdy looking anchors. As Caretaker opened up the outer circle and the cattle started to walk into the tight space between the fences, Puffycunt dawned what she was looking at. As it was her turn to enter, she was shaking her head, mooing in fear. With a few slaps and pokes with the cattleprod, however, she soon found herself stuck in the circle, an endless path going round and round with no escape.

Since other cows were already pushing from behind, Puffycunt had no choice than to start walking, so she followed the cow in front of her deeper into the simple corral. At some point, all cows had entered the circle and the Caretakers closed it. She also heard a low hum coming from the fences now, almost imperceptible over the din of all those hooves. Because instead of standing still, the herd kept walking at a steady pace. Puffycunt soon realized why. Since they packed together so tightly, ass to muzzle, a single cow couldn’t just stop without the ones behind her simply pushing her along until she started walking again. They had to move as a single unit, as a herd. This way, they could only come to a standstill slowly. To counteract that impulse, Caretaker was standing next to the ring with a large bullwhip. Whenever the cows got slower, he let it crack above their heads and they picked up the pace, trying to escape the scary sound. Puffycunt realized how effective it was as soon as it cracked directly above her, the leather whipping by so closely she could feel a blast of air on her bald head. She picked up her hooves immediately, pushing into the cow before her, mooing in fright.

This carousel of bizarre cow creatures must have been a strange sight from the outside, with their udders swaying while they walked obtusely in a circle, the hooves stomping in the dry dirt, the hairless bodies glistening wet with sweat in the beating sun, which rose high above them. But Puffycunt, stuck in the middle of it, only saw the round rump and back of the cow before her, slightly gaping asshole and bloated pussy swaying with her hips, tail flicking occasionally. And she knew this was exactly what the cow behind her saw, as well. She had to admit, it was kind of a sexy view. Then she felt shame for this thought. “The poor cow is probably as miserable as this cow. She is not a cow, she is still a cow. No, a… well, this cow knows what this cow means.”

As the cow in front of her suddenly farted into her face, she looked up and away (although the ring filling her nostrils helped somewhat), using the ‘opportunity’ to scan her surroundings. She was ashamed for not having thought of it earlier, to look around. She now had a distinct feeling of what the term “herd instinct” really meant. For a moment, she had let herself become a mindless part of her herd, following her sister who followed her sister who…

“But this cow is not just a cow. This cow is Puffycunt!” She cringed at her name again, but it was the only way she could articulate her individuality. “This cow needs to keep her head clear if she wants to esc-


Puffycunt blinked, her eyes locked on her sister’s cunt laboriously swaying in front of her face. “What was this cow thinking about? Did the bad voice catch her?” It was impossible to tell, so she tried her best to remember the last thing on her mind. “Oh right, looking around.”

Careful to not get spotted by the Caretaker with the whip, she looked out of her circle. They were just passing the stable again and now were walking past another building. It looked grey and nondescript and could have stood in any farm anywhere in the world. Puffycunt assumed that the other side of the building must be where the rain drum was standing. But now it got interesting: In front of the structure there was a car parked.

Immediately, Puffycunt was aware of her lack or arms, and the empty coldness where they used to be, so driving was out of the question. “Still,” she thought, “if it’s an automatic and I somehow can use my hooves for steering, maybe it’s possible…


Her thoughts faltered. Suddenly, the big metal thing with the rubber wheels and the angular windows was a mystery to her. But she had just known how to use it! She knew that fact, but all associated information was gone. Now she only had a vague recollection that it could move on its own somehow and make noises. “This cow will never get used to these… these mind rewards. No, reward! Oh, bad word!” She stomped her right hoof down in frustration and almost stumbled while still walking in the circle, past the metal thing and back towards the barn, letting out a deep moo that joined the countless others all around her.

Caretaker let the whip fly yet again, “Quiet down, you dirty little milkers, I don’t want to listen to your sorry groans all day long!”


The herd continued their endless shuffling silently now. Puffycunt was still frustrated, and even though she knew Caretaker knows best, she tried to test the sudden need to be quiet, and got a single moo out but nothing more. It felt like every eye was watching her, like there was endless pressure for Puffycunt to behave correctly, to not utter a sound, though the herd still grunted here and there, mooed at slowpokes, bumped and rattled the corral fences. She knew the pressure was simply the bad voice in her head, but it still felt real, as all anxieties do. It ended up easier to follow the order than to contest it, so Puffycunt continued her march.

The next time she looked around she was at the big rolling metal thing again, and Puffycunt had a new strategy. Maybe something about the… strange thing could give her a clue to where she was! There had been faded letters printed on the side, but she had been too distracted to actually read them. This time, she strained to make them out. The first, larger line of text said “A… 4… Y… Farm.” That was a good start, Puffycunt thought, but by the time she was done, the train had pushed her along and the signage was behind her.

Puffycunt waited patiently, trotting along in her row until it came back into view. “Ok… Any… thing… Farm,” and the second row said, “Local… Sub… Subsidiary… Monta…” but she had concentrated so much on reading that Puffycunt had slowed down to a sluggish trot, which made the cows behind her bump into her, mooing cautiously to move along, but Puffycunt tried to fight the ban, to cry out, “No, wait, Puffycunt almost has it…”


“No! Not that! Anything but that!” Puffycunt thought as she could almost feel a large portion of her mind being rinsed from her, like the water spraying out of her ass in the showers, flowing down the drain along with the shit and the filth, without any chance for her to stop it. She fell down on her knees into the now-sodden path in the corral, mooing bitterly. Now more cows came crashing into her, but she didn’t care. Not even when she heard the crack of the whip overhead.

“What the…!” Caretaker exclaimed, looking down on Puffycunt. “Puffycunt, ya dumb heifer, get up right now and keep moving!”


She didn’t want to, but Puffycunt began to feel like there was something around the corner, a treat or a reward or something just past the next cow, something she needed to get, and her legs moved on their own accord. Jerkily, she got up again and resumed walking, first because she had to but then because she wanted to, even though she had no idea why. It was awful, but Puffycunt didn’t really care anymore. They had taken reading from her!

She could still remember how her [DAM] had read bedtime stories to her and she had asked her what the words meant out of curiosity until the story wasn’t even important anymore. She recalled how she could already read and write fluently when she entered school, where she was immediately labeled a total book nerd. How fantasy and science fiction novels had helped her cope with her resulting solitude. But now she couldn’t even think of the titles of these books anymore, nor the name of the farm she had attended as a calf with all the other young cows her age, nor how her huge-uddered Dam had held the… story-thing with no front hooves and told stories when she could only “moo”. No, it must have been [CARETAKER] who told them both their favourite tales like “Caretaker is always right” and “Cows love to feed” while he had milked her Dam and herself before leaving them to sleep in their stalls for the night. Or had it been when he had cleaned them and fed them in the mornings? Maybe both?”


Her shifting memories confused Puffycunt, and it took a long time for her to look up again. “Ugh, this cow’s head hurt. This cow is… just so tired.” She trotted past the metal thing again, and now the faded lines on the side were just strange markings. Even worse, the knowledge imbued by identifying those markings was fading rapidly too. Maybe “anywhere”? And “focal mount”? And how had she known that anyway? But she was already past it again, pushed by both the sisters behind her and her own legs, which refused to cease, refused to disappoint Caretaker again.

But that’s all she wanted to do, she wanted to screw up this whole charade, throw a wrench in the… something, and mess up their twisted vision. Oh, how she hated Caretaker.


“No way, that doesn’t make sense, Puffycunt loves Caretaker!” she thought. But that was not what she had intended to think, not at all. “No, Puffycunt loves him, Puffycunt doesn’t love[S] him. No, no, that’s not what I feel, I only feel love for him and… and you can’t change the truth of that, do you hear me, bad voice!”

Frustrated and defeated once more, Puffycunt shook the tears out of her eyes as she came past the metal thing again. There were some weird looking smudges on the side. But all her attention was fixed on it for a short moment, as if the smudges had a hidden meaning. But, how could they, they were only smudges, fading in the sun? She had to keep it together and concentrate if she wanted to achieve something, Puffycunt decided and walked on, thinking about all that she had just lost, without actually knowing what it had been.

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