Chapters An Artist's Masterpiece Book 1 Chapter 4

Emily sat the chair in the drawing room looking out at the rain-sodden parkland beyond the large windows. Her chest, that almighty new addition to her body, was heaving up and down, surging like a stormy sea, and why? Because she just completed the simple task of walking from the dining room to the drawing room and lowering herself into her chair. And, unseen by any observers, her mind was just as turbulent as her breasts.

She could not come to terms with how her life had changed over the last twenty-four hours. This time yesterday she had awakened in her hospital bed to find her body drastically altered without her prior knowledge or permission. There were those comely new breasts that now rose up and down at the bottom of her eyeline, coupled with her enhanced buttocks that felt like a cushion underneath her bum. Except that cushion was now her bum, unnaturally round and juicy, like an enormous peach. And her skin, including that most private of areas, all as smooth as a baby’s whilst her feet could now only stand on tiptoes, and even in the bedroom she required mules with four inch heels just to be able to walk. But worst of all was her face, that most personal and distinct part of her, now permanently made-up, nearly doll-like, unnatural, almost asking for sex.

After discovering all these changes she had been dressed in the first outfit of her new wardrobe. It had more room for the chest, of course, and higher boots than before. Her waist was no larger though, in fact all of her dresses now were an inch smaller and this one couldn’t quite close. Worse than that though were the stays that enforced that new waist, longer than previously and with a strap attached to the bottom that ran between her new buttocks and up over her love tunnel. And attached to that strap, two rods, one for each hole. She’d tried to protest when she was first fitted with them but the nurse in the hospital had broached no opposition nor answered any questions. Robots never do of course, they are not programmed to. So it was the same in the hall where all the servants were robots. The only other person to talk to was her darling husband. Talking to him though, was the worst bit of all, and not because of the strangling neck corset that all her new outfits incorporated, although that didn’t help matters of course.

“What is the meaning of this?” she’d asked, as soon as they were both alone in the carriage.

“Meaning of what Mrs. Battersby?” he’d asked, a smile on his face.

“This, all of it! These changes to my body!”

“Correction darling, it’s my body now. Remember the words of the ceremony: ‘With my body, I thee worship…’ I own you now. But really, I can’t see why you are protesting; most ladies would be overjoyed and full of thanks!”


“Yes, of course. The procedures that you’ve had done on you did not come cheap but they do make you far more attractive. You were, after all, a rather plain girl. I could have married someone far prettier or richer, but no, I did the right thing. I married a girl to help her brother succeed in life, a noble act indeed. But kindness must work both ways! I need a wife to reflect my standing in the world.”

“But I never wanted to…”

“Emily, you married me out of your own free will, knowing full well what marriage entails. The wives of wealthy men must reflect their husband’s status. I have tolerated your strange academic whim so you must tolerate mine. I need a wife who is worthy of me, an ornament to reflect my success. You must be pretty and fashionable and today is the first stage of this.”

“The first stage? You mean to say there’s more!”

“Of course there is. As I said on our wedding night, I am an artist and you were my blank canvas. All we have done so far is roughly sketch out the masterpiece that will be created. But do not fear, I will give you the opportunity to get accustomed to these changes first. We must not rush matters.”

“But I don’t want to be your masterpiece! I don’t want to be altered anymore!”

“What you want my dear, is immaterial. You should not have agreed to marriage. It is too late now.”

And upon reaching home, those cold words were borne out for she was escorted directly to the bedroom and stripped of all her clothing save for the corset and neck corset and then her husband arrived clearly inflamed by her new appearance. Regardless of her desires, he took her there and then, caressing her enormous buttocks and breasts with vigour and thrusting excitedly into her smooth love channel. He even flipped her over and tried to insert his member into her bottom hole but it was too tight and she screamed out it pain, leaving him to desist until she had been “trained”. Then they had slept but in the morning it was the same again, before she was dressed in her restrictive regalia by the automaid and led down for breakfast.

And now she was here, with nothing to do save for stare out of the window and contemplate her new existence as the alluring plaything of her aged husband. It disgusted her yet at the same time, even as she fought those thoughts, the rods nestled snugly in her two holes excited her and made her want sex, even that degrading sex of a lovedoll with her master that she had just been subjected to. And the more she tried to ignore it, the more those thoughts came until her chest was rising and falling again, a sweat building on her brow and then everything went black as she slumped in her chair.