Chapters The Service Model Epilogue

Three months later, Jasper sat in his office on the phone, and Assa was recharging in the corner, listening to the one-sided conversation.

“You know I really do appreciate how understanding you’ve been about the delays… “

“Well of course of course… and we did some work on her breasts as well if you’d like to use her like that more often, she only needs to leave your bed for sustenance in the cart twice a day at minimum, yes… yes, it’s all in the manual.“

“Yes she is a fiery one, see I know what you like, and our first draft was a little too… ‘well-made’ I should say… spent a hot minute in the eraser before you called in September. Actually you should be thankful we didn’t send the test model in the end… Well, with an unused body on hand compared to the one we’ve been running through the paces for months, you understand, sir.“

“Oh my trackers say the second package is nearly there as well. Are you calling from your retreat?”

“I couldn’t possibly! Well… maybe next month…”

“You know we’re always at your service here, anything for you… thank you, please enjoy… goodbye.”

Assa watched the joy shine across her creator’s face as he put the phone back into its cradle. She was a little far to have overheard him clearly, but she knew that feeling, the resolution of a job well done, like when she used to feel the good burn in her calves from a– No! Assa stopped herself, a habit she had learned long ago. Can’t go there, that’s the sad place!

Then again… she had been slipping toward true depression for a while, she knew what it felt like, so it was getting harder to avoid the sad places in her mind, it being all she had left. Nurse was gone, the woman that had cared for her, given her warmth throughout this ordeal. She remembered when “Service Cart Sarah” had showed up a month or so later. Assa had her suspicions for a while, but only when she glimpsed the long brunette hair left in a ponytail on the nude torso’s masked head and her restless fighting when being put in the chair did she know her Nurse was still alive, but now Assa’s new “sister”, Sarah. Assa wished she could’ve put a blanket over her old nurse during their nightly powerdown, just like she had done when Assa was brand new… but of course they both just shivered in their cold, black, silent night; totally alone yet only feet from each other.

Though it was impossible for her to ask, Assa stopped worrying about getting sent away, until the day before Sarah left. It was that day that Doctor bent down to talk to her, a gesture he almost never did anymore. Now that she thought about it, she only ever really saw people’s faces clearly when they were sitting at their desks, when she would come around the office like some ice cream truck, trying to tempt the boys away from their work so they could send her to the happy place. Anyways, Doctor spoke to her:

“Assa, you’re going to stay here in the office until we get another order for a service model like you, and even then, we might just make another instead, cause the employees just love you, especially Jim in Acquisitions who ran your op. You’ve taken over Bunny’s job just great and we’d like to keep you around.”

He said this like she had a choice, like it was a job offer she could refuse, but there was no way to decline, and even if she shook her Face side to side, Assa knew she would just get ignored or, at worst, a warning shock. Of course, she then wondered what would happen with all the mutterings she had heard since her arrival about the “investor,” but only the next day was Sarah, her only friend in this prison of men and blank bimbos, sedated and shipped off with her motorized cradle to him, answering her original question.

She was alone. Utterly alone. Bunny was gone, Sarah was gone, probably in retaliation for hurting the tall man and Bunny. Of course Assa had no idea if they were alive or not, her microphone couldn’t really pick up gossip, and even though her cradle had quiet electric motors, her mechanical apparatus was hardly subtle enough to sneak up and eavesdrop, but she assumed not. Why else would they be missing? Bunny especially.

And now she was supposed to be the new office bunny, but when Assa thought about how degrading that would be, how degrading it had already been, the tight imprisonment of what was left of her body, the threat of pain if she refused to submit; it didn’t make her go to the sad place. No, that was the loneliness, the boredom, her regret over what she had done to Sarah– no, don’t think about that.

No, really, the rest all just made her insatiably wet, and after months of beating herself up over enjoying her imprisonment as a fuck machine, Assa had finally given herself a break. This was her life now, and railing against it was futile, pointless. Her chance for escape was gone, her old life was gone.

But her memories of freedom still nagged at her; complex relationships, reciprocated love, pushing her athletic limits– Oh, an icon in her field of vision told Assa her batteries were recharged and food tanks were full. Rolling forward to find her fix, she thought to herself,

“Let’s go forget.”