Chapters The Book of Milk Chapter 6

The clanking continued loudly as she was led back towards the barn. Instead of entering it, however, they walked behind it, where there was a fenced enclosure. Within its boundaries, there were more cows like her. At lot more, at least one and one and one… and many.

Her heart sank seeing all those mutilated, perversely transformed cows. As she had already expected, she wasn’t some kind of experiment, but just one specimen in line of similar cow creatures. The fact that this crazy operation hadn’t been exposed and all people involved in it punished could only mean that her chances of esc— (she avoided the word in the last moment, thinking of a bird flying out of a cage instead) were even slimmer than she could have guessed, or one of her predecessors would have already done it. But even though there were so many here, still here, still cows, she couldn’t give up! She had to try!

Blinking away tears, she looked at her fellow sufferers. Some of them were standing, some sitting on their haunches, others were lying down in the grass. A few were trotting aimlessly this way and that. Seeing them filled Cow 87 with horror and sadness. Their bodies were mirror images of her own and underlined once again the extreme nature of the changes done to herself. Although she couldn’t even remember her old face, so how did she know that it had changed? “No! Of course Cow 87 wasn’t always like this… right?” Confused, she concentrated on the other cows again.

Their bodies looked almost identical in built, only the size of the udders varied slightly, and maybe one or two were shorter or taller. Even their extremely round asses and impossibly thin midsections, which had clearly been modified surgically, looked identical. Cow 87 was sure that this was the case for herself too, not that she could check by touch. The only obvious difference between the cows was the coloring. Some cows sported the same colors as herself, but with the spots in different places. But some were also in the classical cow pattern of white and black, while others were even just one uniform brown color. Still, they all had the same face, devoid of eyebrows or hair, with the identical vacant expression as they looked up at Cow 87 and the approach of Caretaker and Caretaker. Every single one of them also had yellow tags in their right ears and a heavy metal collar with a huge cowbell hanging there, nestled in their cleavage. “It is a cowbell!” Cow 87 realized, her denial shattered. So this was to be her herd?


Suddenly Cow 87 felt strange feelings welling up inside her as she looked at the other cows. Out of the blue, she felt a strong affection towards every single one of the dehumanized creatures in front of her, like they were the sisters she had never had, being an only child. Simultaneously she longed to be among them, an urge that felt almost like homesickness. Rationally, she knew it was the voice again manipulating her, these cows were strangers, and she knew them only through their shared struggle. But emotionally, she couldn’t help but eagerly step from one hoof to the other on the spot, mooing softly with anticipation.

The other cows, too, reacted to her presence. All of them looked with affection at Cow 87, although it was tinged with a certain sadness in most cases. They reacted a lot more strongly to Caretaker and Caretaker however. Mooing throatily, they approached him and him, presenting their udders and in many cases, turning around and pushing their asses out, so that their puffy vaginas were clearly visible, glistening with fluids that also ran down their smooth legs. Between their folds, there were also engorged clitorises visible, each pink nub pierced with a metal ring which twinkled in the sun. She could only assume that she had one of those too.

“Why are they doing that?” Cow 87 asked herself, shocked by their wantonness. “Are they actually begging to be raped?!”


“No, voice! This is sick! Reward is not a reward! I will never beg to be rewarded, never!” Cow 87 thought, nauseated by the change and what it insinuated. “But maybe being rewarded won’t be so bad…” she thought suddenly, only to counter this unbidden, strange thought with “What the hell am I thinking? Being rewarded is the worst [BEST] thing that can happen to a cow! No, the best!” Too disturbed to argue with herself further, she tried once again to focus on what was in front of her.

Which immediately made her try to avert her eyes from all the female genitals thrust in her direction. Seeing all those swollen vaginas and puckering assholes between impossibly large, round buttcheeks was gross! She still remembered how she had reacted when many of her childhood girlfriends had swapped kisses to see what it was like — “practice for boys,” they had said. “I would never touch or kiss a girl!” she had vowed then and there. And had subsequently never even entertained a single lesbian thought in her life.


She blushed as she realized what the voice had said. Now her eyes darted back to the other cow’s pussies and she felt herself becoming wet between her legs herself. “That’s impossible! I can’t just be turned around like that?! I would never… I don’t like… but… they look so alluring… juicy… I want to lick those pussies so bad! No, that’s wrong… but so hot…” While Cow 87 was again fighting with her conflicting emotions, Caretaker and Caretaker chuckled while looking at the herd.

“Damn, you let them alone for just a few hours and they are begging for it like bitches in heat! If you ask me, they were already sluts before they came here, no way is that all just the implant’s doing.”

“Yeah, well, in my opinion, all women are sluts anyway. They just hide the fact behind bullshit like feminism. They blame us for only thinking about sex, but once they’re alone, you know every single one of them fucks their stupid brains out with dildos instead of real cocks. Fucking hypocrites. Here they can be reduced to their [UDDERS] and pussies, just like nature intended.”

“Amen, brother.”

Hearing that, Cow 87 rolled her eyes, glad for the distraction. “Chauvinist pigs! They are completely wrong about cows!” she thought.


“He is not!” Cow 87 thought, and was pleasantly surprised that she was still able to. “Score one point for me, zero for the voice!” She didn’t hear the whispered phrase that was now constantly droning on in the back of her mind, digging deeper with every repetition.

In the meantime, Caretaker had unclipped the leash from her collar. Then he (the other he) pushed a red button next to the fence and a low hum that Cow 87 hadn’t even noticed before ceased and the gate swung open. Caretaker suddenly slapped her butt and she instinctively jumped forward and was inside with a few unsteady hoofsteps before the button was pressed a second time and the gate closed, the hum restarting.

She turned around on the spot, her udders swaying uncomfortably, and looked at Caretaker and Caretaker quizzically through the mesh. “Now, have fun getting to know the others in your herd, 87! We’ll be back to take all of you home in a few hours!”

With that, they left and walked back towards the yard, talking to each other.

“You know, [CARETAKER], we really have to come up with a proper name for her. Calling her 87 just isn’t fun.”

“You’re right, [CARETAKER], got any ideas?”

“How about Pissyslut, on account of her accident this morning?”

“Good one, but we already call 45 that, remember?”

“Oh, you’re right! Well, what about…”

Then they were out of earshot of Cow 87. “Pissyslut?” she thought and shuddered, her bell clanking and her udders shaking. “I really dodged a bullet with this one.” Still, she couldn’t help but wonder if her eventual name would be even worse. “I kinda like being Cow 87,” she thought and immediately chided herself for it.


The wave of positive feeling hit her hard and made her moo loudly in lust. The other cows, who had until then looked after Caretaker and Caretaker with desperate longing, turned towards her, some of them mooing back. Maybe she could somehow talk to them? Cow 87 mooed again and some cows mooed in return once more, but less of them than before. It was useless, she decided. Her voice held nothing of what she wanted to say, just that same debasing animal sound.

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