Chapters A Report from the Farm Part 3

In the closest grass lawn to our barn and stables, our Owner has let us graze and “mingle”, but once our running gear is off — bra, blinders, and reins — most of us just lay in the grass by the pond, exhausted. One of the farmhands (I can’t distinguish any of them anymore) brings us all some water and an oatmeal-like sludge in a shallow trough they set up nearby, with all the flourish of some gourmet buffet [MEMORY OF HUMAN FOOD ERASED]. My fellow ponies and I don’t jump up for the much-needed meal, it’s tough without arms, but slowly we all struggle to our hooves and head over; I know I’m thirsty at least.

I bend down, licking at the bland gruel; thinking that it leaves a lot to be desired but for the life of me I can’t say what I would rather replace it with. It… just… is…

I wonder if there’s anything in the food… [CURIOSITY -30%]

Number Five is mad at me, I can tell. Maybe not mad, but annoyed with me because I’m the newcomer. My stumbling behind her on the last half of the run pulled harshly on not only my piercings, but hers as well. The cruel reins dissuade anyone falling behind the leader, no matter the pace, at the expense of all those behind. When she would cry out in pain due to my tripping or dragging, I would eagerly try to apologize, but our moans have the same semi-sexual intonation no matter the context, they only vary in duration and volume, so it’s impossible to communicate or even hint at a question or apology. She probably just thought I was oblivious to her pain, reacting to the sensations between my legs, which I guess isn’t entirely false either.

And it’s not like we can read each other’s faces. The mystery clinic’s work and the Voice’s commands have left my face capable of nothing more than a limited range of smiles from sweet to suggestive and those lewd sucking gestures, and if the other ponies are in the exact same position as me (which I can only guess), we’re all blind to whatever leftover expressive abilities we may have anyways. That said… how do I even know she is pissed? Well, for actively avoiding me; unlike the rest who, after a curt greeting by the pond, are ambivalent at best. Body language is loud when it’s all you have left…

I lock eyes with her at the trough near the end of our bland meal, and she just breathes heavily and runs off to the other side of the pond. There are no farmhands around: they must be eating lunch too, completely unconcerned with us running aw— [LEAVING PROPERTY IS ONLY ALLOWED WITH OWNER PERMISSION] Christ! Stop! I know! Why won’t you just fucking let me— [RESET]

Focusing back on the task at hand, I run after her at a brisk pace, and when she finally slows and turns around I can see that she is visibly distressed to see me. What did I really do, I’m wondering to myself. She stamps her rubber-soled feet into the grass, a gesture I am aware I cannot replicate anymore due to trying it on the wrong person, nor can I really shake my head in refusal to back down. So I just moan a bit and slowly inch forward like I would with a frightened animal.

Which she is. And so am I.

Five turns her armless shoulder to me, looking over the pond, but doesn’t move. Its as if she is silently wishing me away. When I am close, I look down, and find that she is bleeding slightly where the inch-size ring pulled too hard on her thick nipple, around which a faint bruise has formed.

Oh no! That was me, I held her back, I did this. I am only just learning how hard of a life this is, and if someone else had made it any worse than it already had to be, I know I would be pissed too. “I’m sorry, I really am, Five. I wish I knew your real name, instead of just some random number. I know I’m probably just Six or Newbie to you, but I’m Gabby, hi, nice to meet you.”

“Ohhhh, oh, ohhhhhhhhhhhh!”

Damn these useless noises! Sometimes I forget I’m not actually speaking intelligibly. But I need her to see how sorry I am, so I bend down, unable to communicate in any other way, and kiss at her nipple, tasting the little drop of blood dissolve on my tongue, then suck for a short while until my intention is clear. I tell myself I am doing this because there’s no other option, but when I hear her moan deeply in response, I remember what this kind of touch does to us. [AFFILIATION LINK CONFIRMED] No, no, I didn’t mean to— [PHEROMONE OUTPUT +200%] wait— [FEMALE ATTRACTION +120%] stop— [GENDER BIAS STATUS REPORT: 5:4 (M:F)] Ok… thanks for… corrupting a… pure moment. I meant… I can’t think straight… so I let out a moan back, and this time there’s no information lost.

When I pull away, struggling against the urges in me, thinking I may have crossed some line and forced her conditioning like they do; I find she is looking at me intently, and after a few seconds her lips rush to meet mine with a desperation I was entirely unprepared for a moment ago. Our large, exposed prettytits press together as we push our lips into one another’s, then meet our tongues, and I’m sure that, if given the chance, we would be holding each other as close as possible, but we do all we can with what little we have left.

This… feels so… good. Electricity emanates from my tongue from her welcome invasion. Is this forgiveness? Or… or is this just conditioning, programming? [REPLACE: GOOD BEHAVIOUR]




“Looks like Miss Korea finally found a partner, what do you think?” Two farmhands had snuck up on us, and we break apart like red-handed schoolkids. I’m not sure what the rules are here and I don’t want to lose anything else, or god-forbid hurt Five any more than I already have. She… I… she might be the one, it makes no sense, but… I think I… I think I love her!

“…or was it Miss Jap with the Thigh Gap? Haha I forget what we called her!”

“Oh man, she’s been playing fifth wheel for at least a month now, eh? While the other four go for it over there, she always comes over here to sulk. I bet you don’t even remember the last pony at your lips, eh dolly?”

“Brad, they have the memory of a goldfish, of course she doesn’t. We sold that one ages ago.”

“I know, that’s the joke. C’mon, keep up, bud.”

Throughout this, I can see Five getting timid by her body language, looking away and backing up slightly. Suddenly protective of her, I am getting furious. “Go pick on someone your own size!!” But when I go to stamp my foot to scare them off, I just rub my thighs together seductively, face now red with shame as the anger I’m trying to express gives way to a rising flood of desire toward these abusive men I do not consciously want anything to do with. I try so hard to resist, looking to Five’s blank, indecipherable face for help, as I compulsively rise to the edge of my hooves and trot seductively over to these two gorgeous men so they can pet my pretty tits.

Five had locked eyes with me a moment earlier, but I could see that she was avoiding their gaze. Maybe that was the trick? It doesn’t matter now, because I am already cooing to them and bending my chest toward them like some damn slut [REPLACE: GOOD PONY].


“Oh well hello miss pretty! What are you, Mexican? Do you even understand us?” I can do nothing to respond, I’m driven by my good behaviour and lust.

“Well this one is still fresh, but probably not, you know how they are, stealin’ our jobs and not even bothering with the rest. She’s a damn looker, though,” he adds before spanking my ass, sending a wave of heat through my erogenous areas. Oh my. “Agh anyways, what are you gonna call this one?”

“Hmm, I don’t know. She seems sweet but her eyes have a little fire inside, y’know?”

“Yes! I’m still here! Turn off this Voice in my head, I don’t want to—” “Woah, hey now girl, enough moaning, we can hear ya loud and clear… I don’t know. Something like… Oh! I got it! Tequila Sunrise.” The two men chuckle as I, reduced to a mere object in their eyes, can’t stop rubbing up on this fucker.

“Oh you like that? Ok, message received, I am definitely reserving you tonight, Tequila. Get ready.” says the one I think is Brad as he plays with my piercing. I moan intensely when he does, my mind fogging over the implications of what he just said.

The other one must feel left out, so he turns to Five. “Hey you, ya dumb cow, what’s up? Why aren’t you behaving, are we going to have to send you back to get another round of Jasper’s magic touch?”

That’s it. The name, I knew it from somewhere. Maybe when I was… I turn slightly and look back to Five, how is she resisting these stallions? “C’mon baby, come join me, they’re bad men, but it feels sooo good!” She looks up from the ground and her eyes meet mine, but as they flick over to the farmhand beckoning to her I can see her trepidations melting away in her stance… and then she practically prances over to us.

Thoughts muddled and overloaded, we enjoy the men’s hands as they explore the newly-hypersensitive bodies we cannot, until a bell rings from the farmhouse. Sighing, Brad and the other farmhand pull leashes from their back pockets and clip them to the rein rings on mine and Five’s prettytits, leading us back around the pond to the barn.