About the Collection

In the last several years I have read a lot of great erotica, and currently its spread out between browser bookmarks, DeviantArt favourites, and loose memories. Additionally, there are a lot of wonderful authors I have met, and created with, who can’t hurt to have another place to share their work!

This is a place for my favourites and a handful of stories recommended by good friends to live. As a datahoarder, its also a place for me to share work that has evaporated from the web over the years. Take a look at my reading list and enjoy!

We're currently at 45 entries.

A Pre-Transition Interview

An infuriatingly accurate talk-show interview in the Thorn and Roses alt-history, where removing women’s arms becomes a muddled debate…

Liam and Artemis Meet

An absolutely excellent little romance. It shines a light on the anxiety of meeting someone, and treating a disabled person ‘normally’. It seems to be the beginning of something bigger, which I can’t wait to see!

Thorns and Roses

CS has a really stunning ability to make a kinky prompt exceptionally harrowing, and this tale of a girl raised as a boy in an extremely mysoginist country and then the vulnerability… it’s incomplete but a must-read.

Closer Than You Think

There’s a certain feeling I get looking out on the countless unremarkable houses passing by on a roadtrip, picturing all the lives of people in their little loops like my own but different. This collection of vignettes captures that feeling perfectly.

It happens...

A peek into the life of a limbless woman and her partner, amidst a slow magical transformation, altering reality to make this more normal. Too normal. I would recommend this whole series just for the way it transitions from a wannabe fantasy to larger societal changes.

Inspector Sue Sharp

More than anything, I enjoy kinky societies that are handled realistically on the character level, and here you can see Brentwood expand and flesh out world of NimbleTail’s illustrations. Sue is a complicated character in a complex world, forced to submit to an expectation of pet-like behaviour.