Okay so this isn’t news.

Yahoo Groups closed in a meaningful sense in 2019, before a push to delete data, and finally being put to rest in late 2020. As someone who used Groups, and developed new interests and fetishes solely from poring through that clunky old site, what really stung was the lack of notice we were given to retrieve our data – and the lack of tooling to do so! A lot of artists I now consider friends got their start on the site, like Gammatelier, Demon-Man, Sador, and KinkyScientist.

Starting October 2019, there was a bit of a community panic, and then a scrambled effort, over on Discord. Though we had a lot of members, membership to various groups was spread wide, and the admins weren’t necessarily responsive to let the archivists in. Downloading images and such was infamous for its clunkiness (n_a.jpg anyone?) and not all users had the skills to operate a basic shareware tool (PGOffline) – which to its credit did a decent job once we found it.

All the same, I assembled as complete of an archive as I could, amassing my own collection of mostly amputee and bodymod related content, before combining it with other’s collections. Shoutout to wtjui, waitwot, and crazyruff for their work!

Anyways, this was all well and good and I stashed the 16GB of files on MEGA and shared the link and called it a day. But even cloud hosting services come and go, and the fees are quite annoying too. As an archivist, I also have to consider my own stepping away and the safety of the data. There are some gems in here, like BenfansToybox and Ampstories_Classifed. This is why I have decided to share this archive as a torrent. I will be seeding the archive for the foreseeable future, but I hope eventually it is not just me.

Yahoo! Groups (2009-2013)

Here is the torrent file! I hope you find something you like inside.

Also, for reference, here is a list of compiled groups. Remember it is YGroups, so I don’t stand by the quality of any of this :D

Subject Source Group Files Size
Disability/Amputee Cafter ampladyhaven1 1069 113 MB
Disability/Stories Cafter Ampstories_classified 4583 204 MB
Disability/Stories Cafter amputee-story1 869 101 MB
Disability/Stories Cafter amputee-story2 321 46.3 MB
Disability/Stories Cafter amputee-story-archive 847 91.8 MB
Disability/Stories Cafter amputee-story-archive2 783 848 MB
Disability/Stories Cafter amputee-story-moderated 2508 4.9 GB
Body Modification Cafter benfanstoybox 1982 1.18 GB
Disability/Stories Cafter blakemarmol-ampstories 550 540 MB
Body Modification Cafter body-by-you 462 76.3 MB
Body Modification Cafter Brittany_Doll 112 16.9 MB
Disability/Amputee Cafter cutoffgroup 595 84.7 MB
Disability/Amputee Cafter Disabled-graphics 4467 1.25 GB
Disability/Amputee Cafter Dis-graph-BIG 440 42.7 MB
Disability/Amputee Cafter dsdandtorsoworld 193 25.5 MB
Disability/Amputee Cafter es-amputee-girls 748 90.6 MB
Disability/Amputee Cafter ESAmputeeShemales 73 19.5 MB
Disability/Amputee Cafter femaleamputeelover 870 129 MB
Disability/Amputee Cafter LeglessImages 1037 76.8 MB
Disability/Amputee Cafter LimblessGirls 257 34.9 MB
Body Modification Cafter Mad_Digital_Surgeries 1837 662 MB
Disability/Amputee Cafter multiampheaven 6091 798 MB
Disability/Amputee Cafter QuadAndTripleES 844 87.7 MB
Disability/Amputee Cafter SEGIDOMO 191 44.8 MB
Disability/Amputee Cafter Tripleandquadamputees 1649 105 MB
Disability/Amputee Cafter TripQuadAmps 736 73.3 MB
Disability/Stories crazyruff wheelchairfiction__2019 396 33.7 MB
Weird TF Waitwot Access World 339 30.8 MB
Weird TF Waitwot Arms Arms More Arms 45 1.51 MB
Weird TF Waitwot Centaur Corral 125 4.92 MB
Weird TF Waitwot Centauress Fun 85 2.21 MB
Weird TF Waitwot Centaurians and Unicorns 66 4.24 MB
Weird TF Waitwot Conjoined and Extra limbed women 1129 85.1 MB
Weird TF Waitwot Deuces Dementia 383 19.1 MB
Weird TF Waitwot DFEnder photomanips 813 159 MB
Weird TF Waitwot Dr Mercurious is on call 1563 169 MB
Weird TF Waitwot Exotic Centaurs RPG 50 2.96 MB
Weird TF Waitwot Female Fantasy Manips 322 25.5 MB
Weird TF Waitwot Furry Fun Zone 101 3.91 MB
Weird TF Waitwot Girls Stuck Together 934 111 MB
Weird TF Waitwot Keatt’s Universe 753 94.9 MB
Weird TF Waitwot Krazypersan’s Koncoctions 214 140 MB
Weird TF Waitwot Legends of Belial 584 92.9 MB
Weird TF Waitwot Manipulations 573 73.8 MB
Weird TF Waitwot Mass Conjoinment 232 8.1 MB
Weird TF Waitwot Moduloks 234 97.7 MB
Weird TF Waitwot Multilegged Ladies 683 50.5 MB
Weird TF Waitwot Neo Girls 55 1.47 MB
Weird TF Waitwot Real Conjoined Twins 1280 74.2 MB
Weird TF Waitwot Spider Web Fetish Central 1077 307 MB
Weird TF Waitwot Spider Womens Web 108 4.3 MB
Weird TF Waitwot Testing Transformation 11 876 kB
Weird TF Waitwot The Conjoinment Cafe 5 59.3 kB
Weird TF Waitwot The Land of Quiroz 231 42.9 MB
Weird TF Waitwot The Phish Tank 652 173 MB
Weird TF wtjui Access_World 74 2.45 MB
Disability/Amputee wtjui AmpAndWCLadies 587 31.2 MB
Disability/Amputee wtjui amp-deja-vu 3486 178 MB
Disability/Amputee wtjui AmpsPhotoShow 290 20.5 MB
Disability/Amputee wtjui Armless_Group 201 18.9 MB
Disability/Amputee wtjui ArmlessGirl 412 22.8 MB
Weird TF wtjui belial-archives 277 21.9 MB
Weird TF wtjui belial-guest-archives 248 14.9 MB
Disability/Amputee wtjui congenitalamputees 1833 103 MB
Disability/Amputee wtjui DAK-Amp-Devotees 333 17.8 MB
Disability/Amputee wtjui DAK-Amp-Devotees2 194 11 MB
Disability/Amputee wtjui Disabled-in-comics 201 44.9 MB
Disability/Amputee wtjui Disabled-in-comics-2 178 9.05 MB
Disability/Amputee wtjui DSD-Admirers 3138 491 MB
Disability/Amputee wtjui DSD-Admirers2 215 7.21 MB
Weird TF wtjui EyelessGirls 410 17.9 MB
Weird TF wtjui metamorphosis_gallery 220 8.84 MB
Disability/Amputee wtjui SexyStumps2 906 43.1 MB
Disability/Amputee wtjui TripandQuadAmps 326 12 MB
Weird TF wtjui Vaginaface 325 119 MB