So… when it rains it pours!

My friend Sador found himself rereading A Report From The Farm recently, and surprised me with some sketches of our sorry protagonist that quickly evolved into a finished work! Two of them! I’m honestly impressed and blindsided by this, as while most other illustrations here are paid and planned for, Sador was simply following his creative muse (and apparently that muse moans!)

A heartfelt thank you to Sador! You can find the illustrations here or in Chapter 1 and chapter 2 of the story!

An illustration of an armless woman with enlarged breasts in a ponygirl costume.
Gabriela trying to look down at herself, illustrated by Sador
An illustration of an armless woman with enlarged breasts in a ponygirl costume sucking the fingers of a man standing outside her stable.
Illustration by Sador

You can read more about Gabriela/Tequila/Pony and her descent in A Report From The Farm, and make sure to read Sador’s followup The Book of Milk.